Exitgames Romania
Timisoara B-dul Constantin Brancoveanu 53
2-6 players
Duration: 60 minutes
Difficulty: 2/4

Description: Mr. Bean s-a dus sa faca cumparaturile de Craciun, dar nu a putut lasa casa nesupravegheata. Astfel, a pus tot felul de piedici si capcane pentru a impiedica intrarea altora in casa. Din pacate, si planul asta al lui – ca si toate celelalte – nu se intampla cum si-ar dori el, ci invers: se intra foarte usor, dar se iese foarte greu. In casa ne putem intalni cu multe lucruri cunoscute care ne garanteaza distractia. Dar si distractia are o limita, caci daca nu reusim sa evadam pana se intoarce de la cumparaturi, suntem nevoiti sa petrecem sarbatorile cu el, si asta va avea consecinte neprevazute. Mr. Bean went to do his Christmas shopping, but could not leave the house unattended. So he has put all kinds of obstacles and traps to prevent the entry of others into the house. Unfortunately, this plan – like all other – did not happen as he thought it would, but on the contrary: you can easily enter, but it’s quite difficult to get out. In the house, we meet many familiar things that guarantee fun, but fun has a limit, because if you fail to escape until he returns from shopping, you’ll have to spend the holidays with him, and that will have unpredictable consequences.

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