Escape Rooms in Solon, OH
There are 7 escape rooms near Solon, OH.
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
Dr. Walter Brandt is a high-ranking chemical weapons specialist for the United States government, part of a secret department that is only recognized by a series of mysterious numbers and letters. He has been developing powerful viruses capable of eradicating enemy forces with swift pace and deadly accuracy. Foreign powers have noted Dr. Brandt's work and have recruited him to develop a powerful virus capable of killing their enemies in hours. He has gone rogue and has become a threat to the US and potentially the entire human race. You are a team of scientists investigating Dr. Brandt's abandoned laboratory. You've been tasked with finding the only known antidote to virus TS-51 before it gets passed into enemy hands. However, during the investigation a clumsy member of your team bumps into a shelf, sending vials of the highly contagious virus crashing to the ground. One of them breaks and sends plumes of deadly vapour into the air. Immediately, everyone is infected but that isn't your biggest problem. The chemical detection sensor has picked up the threat and shutdown the facility. Total decontamination will begin in 60 minutes (eliminating all biological organisms inside)! Your only chance of survival is to scour Dr. Brandt’s laboratory to find the antidote. He has hidden it from the government through a series of riddles, puzzles and codes that only the smartest can figure out. If you do not find the security override code and antidote within 1 hour the facility will self-destruct, and there will be no escape. Rely on your team, intellect, and keen sense of observation to solve the riddles and unlock the secrets to find the antidote and to escape the facility. Time is of the essence. Do you have what it takes to defeat Dr. Brandt and save yourselves and the World from destructive chemical warfare?
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
You are Robert Montgomerie, the only remaining direct heir to the Kildermorie Estate and the Montgomerie family fortune. You’re attending a family gathering, hosted by your Grandfather, Hugh ‘Monty’ Montgomerie, the 9th Earl of Kildermorie to celebrate the dawn of the new Millennium. As the guests raise a toast, a scream fills the air…Your Grandfather is found dead in the library - and it looks like MURDER! Suddenly, you’re bundled into the Drawing Room and the door is locked. Confused, you bang on the door and call for help until it dawns on you... that as the direct heir, all fingers are pointed at you! You realize you’ve been framed! But who would want to kill your Grandfather… and why? You overhear the Police being called, but know that, as the Kildermorie Estate is hidden deep in the Scottish Highlands, it will take them 60 minutes to arrive. The only evidence that proves your innocence is hidden in the Mansion... For centuries, the Montgomerie family assigned a single gatekeeper to its secret family history. The Earl’s sudden demise means he can no longer pass-on these secrets, but the wise old man ensured there was sufficient evidence, hidden throughout the family residence, should anything unexpectedly happen to him! What he didn’t anticipate is you’d need to uncover these secrets in only 60 minutes! Will hidden clues reveal distant family secrets? Can you gather enough evidence and piece the story together to prove your innocence? And the biggest challenge of all... is it even remotely possible to solve the mystery before the clock strikes 12? Success means freedom, fortune and saving the future of your family... Failure means a life behind bars….. Do you have what it takes to find the family killer before you are framed and lose your inheritance? Time is of the essence!
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
You are secret service agent Jack Lanman, personal bodyguard to the President of the United States onboard Secret Air Mission 27000, also known as Air Force One. You are returning from a European trip with the President that included the G7 Global Economic summit. At the summit it was declared that meaningful discussions with Russia were not possible after Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the Soviet Union, continually refused to meet the President to discuss global peace enhancing the threat to the United States and the rest of the World. You are on the final leg of your journey, high above the clouds in US airspace en-route to the next Presidential meetings in Dallas, Texas. Suddenly and without warning each of the four engines on the Boeing VC-137C stop, and the emergency security override puts the plane into a controlled glide towards the surface. The 45,000 feet of altitude will buy you time, but what has caused the engines to suddenly fail? You soon realize that you are in the centre of a serious act of sabotage specifically aimed at taking out the President with no thought for casualties, including you! Whoever is responsible has also kidnapped the flight crew so you are alone to solve the mystery and attempt to bring the stricken aircraft safely back to earth. Your mission is to restart the engines and safely land the plane. You will need to establish your position and learn how to safely engage the autopilot to give yourselves any chance of survival. But first you need to find which of the crew is not a genuine member of the Secret Service and is in fact a Spy whose final mission is to eliminate the President in an attempt to destroy the United States. Do you have the necessary skills to uncover the carefully laid plot? Can you keep your nerve under extreme pressure as the plane slowly loses altitude? A maximum glide time of 60 minutes gives you one shot at becoming a world hero, forever remembered for saving AIr Force One, the President, and all lives onboard. Or will time run out before you have chance to complete your mission?
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
“Nitr0,” heard the name? If you haven’t, you’re about to learn. In fact, all of America might soon find it plastered across their TV screens. Nitr0 is the world’s greatest hacker, he’s successfully completed over 300 cyber crimes, yet the FBI doesn’t have any leads to his identity. Early this morning a video was received at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Nitr0 informed the Bureau of his plan to release a virus that will drain 100 million United States bank accounts of over $75 billion. You are FBI Agent Alex Vargas, a fresh face in the Cyber Crime Unit. Fueled by optimism and a need for success, you determine that taking down Nitr0 would be the best way to climb the ladder to the top. You’ve received an anonymous lead, apparently Nitr0 has been tracked to an apartment in Cambridge. It’s a long shot, but it’s the only thing you’ve got. You arrive outside and discover what looks to be an average American college apartment. A powerful clack comes from the door, it’s been sealed shut. The television turns on and Nitr0 himself appears on the screen. He tells you that he was the one who tipped you off about the location, he’s setting you up and in one hour the FBI will trace everything back to you in this apartment. The realization is setting in, the biggest virtual heist in history is about to be pinned on you. You know that Nitr0 always provides a kill code for every crime in case things go awry. You must find that code, kill the program and escape within the hour. So you don’t take the fall for the biggest crime in American history.
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
Archibald Tucker was one of the greatest explorers of the 1930s. His tales of adventure were known the world over and his prized journal documented every adventure. While exploring an abandoned temple in The Lost City, he uncovered a treasure so rare, no man alive had seen it! A sudden gust of wind slams the temple door shut - sealing Tucker and his journal inside! Both were never seen again. Your team of treasure hunters decide it’s time to finish Tucker’s quest. Armed with the latest technology, your research points you to the exact whereabouts of the lost journal which holds the secrets to finding the treasure. In your backpacks you’ve brought all the materials essential for your adventure! You approach the temple confidently, but once inside angered spirits awaken and deem you unworthy of the riches held within. As a test, they grant you 60 minutes to prove your worth. You must work logically, interact with everything you find and solve puzzles to uncover the treasure! If you fail, the door will be sealed once more and you will surely perish! Can you locate the journal, find the treasure and escape the temple before it’s too late? Time is of the essence!
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
Onboard the famous trans-European Budapest Express, you are with Karine Peaufiner, a famous French detective from Paris. You are traveling to Budapest to meet with other detectives showcasing the latest developments in crime scene forensics. It is nighttime and you are passing slowly through the heart of Europe during a heavy snowstorm. You are reviewing case notes in your cabin with Karine and your colleagues. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, it is the train manager. He looks worried and asks you to come quickly to the First Class dining coach. When you arrive, you see a man slumped over a restaurant table. He was Sir Clarence Hayden and he has been murdered! The manager informs you that in one hour the train will stop at the next station, if the killer hasn’t been apprehended, they will be free to escape into the night and get away with this horrible crime! Your reputation as brilliant detectives precedes you, he asks you to solve the crime so the murderer can be caught and brought to justice. You’re able to narrow down 5 suspects who were seen in the dining car around the time Sir Clarence was murdered. Moving through the cabins and gathering evidence, the killer knows you are hot on their trail and has decided you are their next target. With you out of the picture they would be free to escape when the train stops. Solve the riddles and puzzles, gather the evidence and solve the murder before it’s too late! Do you have what it takes to find the killer before they find you? Time is of the essence!
33141 Bainbridge Road, Solon Ohio 44139
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
The year is 1944; the height of World War II. The US Navy is fighting to establish a position of dominance over the enemy. Tensions are high and the crew is on maximum alert. You are onboard the Steel Shark - the US Navy’s prized submarine, deep in the North Atlantic Ocean on a vitally important mission to spy on the German Battle Cruiser, Scheer. The mission is going smoothly until, without warning, the submarine plunges into the sea. The engines have died and pressure in the cabin is quickly increasing. The hull is cracking under the immense pressure of the seabed and, without power, only 60 minutes of reserve oxygen remains! You and the crew must act quickly so you can continue your mission. If you succeed, you’ll not only survive but will surely become national heroes. Looking around you begin to discover clues that lead you to believe this wasn’t an accident, but sabotage by German secret agents. They have removed six oxygen silos and hidden them around the ship. You’ll need to scour the mess hall, rummage through the control room, and uncover the silos to repair the steel Shark. Can you reinstate the power and help the Steel Shark back to the surface before the entire crew perishes? Oxygen is already running out!