Escape Rooms in Edmonton, AB
There are 35 escape rooms near Edmonton, AB.
Breakout Edmonton
6111 101 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: The Willowbrook Kindergarten School was abandoned many years ago due to kids mysteriously disappearing. No one knows why it hasn’t been torn down or sold over the years. It has now become a popular site for teenagers to sneak into for thrills and excitement. You and your friends lost a bet and were dared to spend the weekend at the abandoned school by yourselves. Everything seemed normal the first night, you had some fun exploring the site and went to sleep early. However when you woke up, you found yourselves inside a different building with all the exits locked tight. Do you and your friends have the wits and courage to breakout of the school?
6111 101 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: In 1969, Lora and Chuck Simpson had a baby girl named Anna. Everything was perfect in their quaint house in the South Common for seven years, until the house was foreclosed due to late mortgage payments. Collectors arrived at the house but no one was there. For the next thirty years, families would move into the house, and were never seen again. Police would always be sent to investigate but no evidence or leads were found. In the interest of public safety, the house was deemed condemned and to be never used again. Now, in 2015, new evidence has risen from the original case of the missing Simpson family. You are intrigued by the disappearances and decide to visit the house yourself. As you walk through the front doors, the floor creaks beneath your feet; there is something wrong here and you get a chill up your spine. What you discover will haunt you for the rest of your life.
6111 101 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: In the year 2085, the Earth became increasingly uninhabitable due to global warming; natural disasters reached catastrophic levels. Man-kinds turned to space to escape from its decaying cradle. First major settlements began on the Moon, but they soon reached their maximum capacities. A series of space colonies were built to progressively reach outward into space. After decades long of segregations between the colonists, tension runs high between different factions. Soon mistrust turns into fear, and anger manifests into violence. Acts of sabotage occurs on multiple colonies. A terrorist group has infiltrated the space station “The Ark” and incapacitated the station’s energy generator in an attempt to destroy the entire colony. More than 100,000 souls on board the colony are at jeopardy. It is up to you to restore the generator and save everyone.
6111 101 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9
2-4 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: Attention all secret agents, your presence has been requested for a high priority mission. Mission: To enter and dismantle the security vault of an art gallery in order to retrieve a trio of exquisite diamonds. This art gallery has been set up with a state of the art security system so retrieval will not be an easy task. You will be faced with the chore of breaking through several security doors only to make it into a laser activated maze. Make it through the maze undetected and you may find the diamonds. Will you accept the mission?
6111 101 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6A 0G9
2-8 players, 45 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: Think you are the mastermind in your group? Come prove your superior intellect in our players versus players room. Invite your friends – Challenge your fr-enemies!! Jump into the puzzle arena for a battle of wits. Your group will be divided into two teams. Both teams will be given the same puzzles and gadgets, and you’ll have 45 minutes to race against your friends. The first team to finish all the puzzles in the room wins. But watch out, your opponent might throw a sabotage your way.
16604 109 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T5P 1C2
2-4 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: It is the year 1688 in Kyoto, Japan. You have been training under the tutelage of your uncle Hiromata for as long as you can remember. You both have lived like nomads traveling and training in the shadows, along the way you’ve found other drifters that have joined you and become your family. You learn from your uncle the reason behind your extensive life-long training. When you were young, a part of the village deflected against the nation in an attempt take-over of Japan; their first step was to over throw the king and queen of Kyoto – your parents. They were successful. Now is the time for you to take back what is rightfully yours, and help restore our village to its peaceful state. You and your comrades must infiltrate the Dojo of Triumph and complete all the tests within its walls. The Dojo of Triumph was created by our forefathers as the traditional test of all our rulers – to see if they are truly worthy to sit on the throne.
16604 109 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T5P 1C2
2-6 players, 45 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: As special agents of CSF, our sources informed us of a biological weapon hidden within this laboratory. Our sources have pin pointed the virus has been created by Dr. Von Doom, a well-known biological specialist. As you enter into the facility, a sensor is triggered and all windows and doors slam shut. You hear a distant laugh along with this automated message: Countdown begins. 45 minutes until virus is released. The only chance for humankind to survive is to retrieve the cure and to escape the facility.
16604 109 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T5P 1C2
3-8 players, 60 minutes, Breakout Edmonton
Description: You are the remaining survivors of a failed mission embarked on Uruguay. The captain, humiliated and embarrassed, has lost his will to live. During the trip back to the country, you all of sudden hear an alarm; doors from all entries suddenly shut, and you find the captain motionless on the floor in the control room. A bomb has been detonated by the captain, the crew is in panic mode, forms of communication are limited and you are running out of time. What will you do?
Challenge the Room
9603 41 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5X7
2-6 players, 45 minutes, Challenge the Room
Description: You are long lost relatives of Eunice Bailey, an eccentric but wealthy lady. Her recent death, disappointingly for her of natural causes, has left her estate up for grabs. Her multitude of relatives have been tracked down and offered a chance to collect but of course there is a catch. She was the ultimate mystery fan and has determined that only those worthy of her final test will get her money. Fans of the traditional mystery will enjoy this room with its novel clues and throwback furnishings. Unlock your inner Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Rex Stout or Miss Marple with this Victorian study filled with clues awaiting discovery. But beware the red herring on your quest to earn Aunt Eunice's fortune. You are not locked in this room but instead must solve the puzzle in the allotted time to win your inheritance.
9603 41 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5X7
4-8 players, 45 minutes, Challenge the Room
Description: You've watched the shows: Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race; and thought to yourself, "That looks like fun." or "That looks easy; I could do that." Now you can try it yourself. We have created puzzles and challenges reminiscent of the ones seen on your favourite reality shows. This room is excellent for team building as communication is very important in solving the various challenges. It is also a great option if some of your group prefers physical puzzles to mental ones, although there are both in this room. Come and try our one of a kind 5' table maze and solve the 2'x3' puzzle (don't worry the pieces aren't standard size), among other things. We can't promise you that anyone will be wearing bikinis but we guarantee you won't have to eat anything gross.
9603 41 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5X7
2-6 players, 45 minutes, Challenge the Room
Description: You have travelled to exotic Egypt and have decided to tour the pyramids as part of your experience. Not for you the pyramids at Giza though with their hordes of tourists, you have decided to go to Saqqara and be a real explorer off the beaten track! Unfortunately tourists must be kept out of the most interesting areas because all you have seen is a bunch of rock. Desperate for adventure you separate from your tour group and slip off down a restricted side passage. What will be the consequences of your actions? Fame and glory or fear and death?
EXIT Edmonton Escape
10534 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
2-6 players, 60 minutes, EXIT Edmonton Escape
Description: Every day, you try to be a good person – making the right decision, doing what’s best for the majority – but at the end of the day, you have to look out for yourself… right? At least, that’s what you told yourself up to this point. Now you’re not so sure. Tired, sore, and light-headed, you awaken in an abandoned warehouse, chained next to some familiar faces. How did you get here? Who is responsible for your kidnapping? And what could you have possibly done to deserve this? REDEMPTION, the next chilling installment in the Killer’s Game series, explores the duality of man, the capacity to be both a sinner and a saint, and features a live environment that reacts to the actions and decisions YOU make in game. REDEMPTION: The Killer’s Game V2.0 will leave you second-guessing your teammates, your morality, and everything you knew about escape adventures!
10534 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
2-6 players, 60 minutes, EXIT Edmonton Escape
Description: On a hike through the woods, you are approached by a strange and mysterious hooded figure who asks if you have time to hear a tale or two. He begins by telling you the tale of the great King Arthur, a wise and powerful king whose life was spent in pursuit of the Holy Grail, and the wizard Merlin, a powerful ally to Arthur whose magic maintained the delicate balance between good and bad across the lands. Curious, you ask to hear more about Arthur and Merlin, but the figure begins to disappear into the mist. The figure leaves you with a cryptic clue: “the answers you seek lie just beyond your reach.” EXIT Edmonton’s Medieval Version 2 gives YOU the choice to follow one of two different paths. Pillage and plunder King Arthur’s treasure to find the Holy Grail, or yield Merlin’s magic to unlock the truth behind why Camelot fell. Choose your path to glory.
10534 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
2-6 players, 60 minutes, EXIT Edmonton Escape
Description: You are currently researching the mysterious events happening in Paris thought to be caused by the cult known as G.O.D.. Several members of G.O.D. have been spotted participating in illicit activities under the shadow of the night throughout the city. The center point of all of these activities seems to be the town’s first library. In order to find out what plans this G.O.D. group is attempting to set in motion, you decide to pay a visit yourself, only to discover that it’s closed to the public. This strikes you as extremely odd and you decide to break in to ascertain the truth. Amidst the dusty stacks of old manuscripts, you feel a peculiar breeze coming from further down the corridor and follow it towards a sooty bookcase. Something doesn’t feel quite right. Suddenly, you hear the front door slam behind you. You are not alone. G.O.D. has found you.
10534 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
2-6 players, 60 minutes, EXIT Edmonton Escape
Description: This is the first time you have ever witnessed a real life autopsy. As an undergraduate student, you have been waiting for years and the opportunity is finally here: lying down in front of you is a fresh body donated to the hospital in the name of science. The first slice by the demonstrator takes the air out of the room; everyone is enraptured. As the autopsy progresses, you eagerly jot down notes, learning everything you can… but when you finally take your eyes off the body to peek at your fellow students, you realize an eerie chill has swallowed the entire room. Everyone seems to be fixated on the shuffling coming from behind a door labeled “DO NOT ENTER” that seems to grow ever louder. There are no signs of what’s causing the noise; the only visual indication from the room seems to be a faint light that could be seen from the crack under the door. Suddenly, a chilling scream cut through the silence. You all look to each other for answers but all you see are expressions mirroring your confusion. Finally looking back at the door, your eyes widen at the horrific sight… Is that blood coming from beneath the door?
10534 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
2-6 players, 60 minutes, EXIT Edmonton Escape
Description: Division 37 is the ultimate squadron of elite soldiers. It’s the team that every new recruit aspires to become a part of. The selection process is rigorous, but forms bonds that will last a lifetime. From an initial pool of over a thousand applicants, only you and ten others have managed to stay in the running. The time has come for your final test, an actual field mission. The danger is relatively low compared to real Division 37 missions: your team needs to infiltrate a corporate warehouse with average security and rescue a high value target being held against his will. A simple in and out mission… or so it should’ve been. As your team breaches the final door into the room where the hostage is held, everything goes white… then you black out. You wake up in a daze to some foreign shouting. Looking around, it seems they didn’t take your entire team hostage and the few remaining are in a similar situation as you, all lined up in a row. The shouting men grabbed two more of your team members from the end of the row and forced them out of the room. Before the door shuts, the second member to leave stealthily drops a small dagger to the floor and kicks it towards you as a final farewell. You stifle your emotions and awaited the commotion outside to settle, then quickly freed yourself and the rest of your team. With the easy part out of the way, you must discover a way out of the compound… and the reason your mission turned out so wrong.
Escape City
5916 104 St NW Edmonton, AB
2-8 players, 45 minutes, Escape City
Description: This has to be one of the worst storms on record. Exposed to the elements and kilometres from town, you begin to fear the worst. Then you spot the cabin. With the first step inside you can't help but think that your rotten luck just might be changing... until the door locks behind you...
5916 104 St NW Edmonton, AB
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escape City
Description: Star quarterback, Arms Magee, has been kidnapped by the notorious superfan group known as the Gridiron Gang. Investigators have managed to track down the fugitives' hideout, but it's abandoned, and leads have run dry. Fearing the worst, they've asked your special unit to come in and help with the investigation. Time is ticking, can you help capture the Gridiron Gang and save Arms Magee?
5916 104 St NW Edmonton, AB
4-10 players, 60 minutes, Escape City
Description: You ARE Lisa's brain, and if we're being honest, things aren't working so well up here. Things are grim. The doc doesn't give you much of a chance and your husband is losing hope. Can you get things working again before they pull the plug on you?
5916 104 St NW Edmonton, AB
2-8 players, 45 minutes, Escape City
Description: The great magician Harry Keller is looking for an apprentice for his upcoming world tour and you have been shortlisted. The final portion of the interview process takes place at his magic emporium. Do you have what it takes to make the cut?
5916 104 St NW Edmonton, AB
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escape City
Description: Eccentric uncle Frank finally kicked the bucket. He wanted to donate his inheritance, but you and your family cut a deal with the lawyer to make sure those millions fell into your hands. At first all was well, and you were rich, but now things seem to be getting a little bit... strange. Can you stop the old man's curse before it's too late?
Escape Emporium
1103 95 St SW #103 Edmonton, AB T6X 0P8
2-8 players, 55 minutes, Escape Emporium
Description: The adventure continues! Still a good old treasure hunt, but now you’ve got the gold. You must win Green Beard's crew over so they join your side and steal the ship. Find the secret destination, steer the Green Pearl out of the harbor and set sail for the open seas. Don't forget to fire the cannon and destroy your enemies’ ships, or your adventure will be a short one!
1103 95 St SW #103 Edmonton, AB T6X 0P8
4-7 players, 55 minutes, Escape Emporium
Description: Welcome to the school of wizardry! Your first lesson will be a tough one, the evil wizard is back for vengeance. You and your fellow classmates must collect all the magic items and use them to destroy him! Be very careful with the magic, it's the only hope of beating him. The danger is imminent, and you only have 55 minutes to succeed.
1103 95 St SW #103 Edmonton, AB T6X 0P8
4-8 players, 55 minutes, Escape Emporium
Description: Welcome to the Jungle! Hearing the mysterious sound of drums, you and your friends decide to find out what it is? Without realizing it, you are dragged into a strange surreal survive the jungle game. You hear strange sounds from different directions and mysterious animals start to appear. Your survival and your future depends on your actions. With each roll of the dice and each step your game piece takes a new challenge awaits you! To win the game, escape and return to the real world one of the game pieces must reach the end. Are you ready for the adventure? Can you survive and escape the game in 55 minutes or will you be trapped in the jungle for ever?
1103 95 St SW #103 Edmonton, AB T6X 0P8
3-10 players, 55 minutes, Escape Emporium
Description: The Game of Kingdoms. The four kingdoms are in danger. The long night is coming and with the sun behind the horizon, the dead will arise! Favored by gods, you manage to find and enter the ancient sanctuary where the power symbols are. Legend has it; whoever spends more than an hour in the kingdom will go insane. Hurry and unite the four kingdoms to become the savior of humankind.
GTFO Escape Entertainment
10018 105 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1C3
4-8 players, 45 minutes, GTFO Escape Entertainment
Description: Your crew has been conducting tests on Colony 4836 on Europa, a newly colonized moon of Jupiter. After an unexpected meteor strike cripples the base, everyone is forced to abandon the site and evacuate into low orbit. While assessing the damage, your crew realizes that only one escape pod remains intact, and there isn’t enough room for everybody… Put your skills to the test against the other team! Which crew will survive?
10018 105 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1C3
2-6 players, 45 minutes, GTFO Escape Entertainment
Description: You’ve received a mysterious tip from someone planning a hit on the bank, and they’re putting together a small crew to pull it off. It’s fishy, since you don’t know anything about the guy planning this whole thing, but rumor has it that this bank is actually holding a serious amount of cash and valuables. If the job goes well, you could walk away a very wealthy person. Will you participate in the biggest score this town has ever seen?
10018 105 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1C3
2-6 players, 45 minutes, GTFO Escape Entertainment
Description: A group of hikers went into the woods days ago and no one has heard from them since. The local townspeople are concerned because around these parts, there’s an old folktale of terrible things that fall to those who wander the woods at night. The story is hard to believe, but the locals are terrified, and because of it we were only able to assemble small search parties. One of the search teams found a camera belonging to one of the hikers near an old abandoned cabin deep in the woods. We’re planning a search in the area where the camera was found and we need more people out there to help. Will you assist in finding the missing hikers?
10018 105 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1C3
4-6 players, 45 minutes, GTFO Escape Entertainment
Description: The asylum on the edge of town is a historical building that houses people afflicted with a diverse range of conditions. The asylum has been gaining attention lately as patients have been inexplicably disappearing without any sign. This month, the asylum will begin hosting visitor tours in attempt to recover their reputation following the disappearances. Something strange is taking place at the asylum. Will you make a visit and figure out what happened to the patients?
10018 105 St NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1C3
3-6 players, 45 minutes, GTFO Escape Entertainment
Description: There exists a group of elite operatives who defend the world in secret. They are a shadow agency known only as the Directive. In their successes, you have never had a reason to know they exist. Therefore… you should understand the dire nature of why they’re reaching out to you now. Will you accept this mission?
Impulse Escape Room
10143 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z5
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Impulse Escape Room
Description: A Nuclear War has broken out in eastern Europe and an atomic threat to the West is imminent. Your team is a group of elite agents assembled and tasked with breaking in to the Asimov Nuclear Plant deep inside Mother Russia. While the control operators are distracted, you will have exactly 60 minutes to re align the coolant systems, take hold of the electronic control board and ultimately disable the reactor before the bomb is launched… Do you have what it takes?
10143 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z5
4-6 players, 60 minutes, Impulse Escape Room
Description: The Great Wizard Merlin spent nearly a decade inside the fearsome Chateau Blanc, imprisoned and enslaved by the maniacal King of Swords and forced to conjure black magic at will. In his hasty escape, Merlin was unable to retrieve his most sacred possessions and the source of his power – the Dragon Eggs of Aether. It is rumored that whomever is the keeper of the eggs will have the power to rule the known kingdom. As his apprentices, Merlin has tasked you with recovering the eggs but access to the castle is not so simple. Posing as a group of peasant thieves you have been intentionally caught red handed and thrown into the dungeons. Due to be executed in exactly 1 hour, you must escape the dungeon and find a way into Merlins former lair. By working quickly and thinking on your feet, you may very well escape the gallows that await…
10355 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z9
2-6 players, 45 minutes, InTRAP
Description: This is a venture no one dares to take... Just outside of Vancouver, a vacant apartment stands alone. A post doc once lived there with his family. He were obsessed with supernatural entities, and claimed there were spirits lingering in the apartment. Then one day he and his family just disappeared without a reason. One day you stepped up on this mystery and decided investigate what happened here. The moment you walked into the apartment, the door shut behind you, and the curse began...
10355 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z9
4-8 players, 45 minutes, InTRAP
Description: The year is 2009. Agent Jack and his colleagues were captured by the KGB. In a prison cell filled with the smell of fear and blood, death looms over them. To escape torture and death, they must...prison break.
10355 82 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z9
2-6 players, 45 minutes, InTRAP
Description: Thomas and his archaeology team discovered an untouched pyramid. However, unlike most, it is underground. Let us follow the archaeology team on a journey toward discovering the young pharaoh's treasure...