Escape Rooms in Durango, CO
There are 3 escape rooms near Durango, CO.
Conundrum Escape Rooms
736 Main Ave, Ste 100, Durango, CO, US
-6 players, minutes, Conundrum Escape Rooms
Rates Person: $29 Private Room (up to 6 people): $165 Duration 1 Hour The Countdown Begins Agent Claussen has been captured sending the powers of the world into turmoil. A special team of agents (you and your team) have been assembled to piece together the intel Claussen has left behind and restore order to the world. There is a problem though, you only have one hour to provide the correct codes each country requires before a new World War breaks out. Can you take the pressure? Only time will tell!
736 Main Ave, Ste 100, Durango, CO, US
- players, minutes, Conundrum Escape Rooms
Rates Person: $29.00 Private Room (up to 8 people): $220 ** 4 - 8 Players Suggested for this Room Duration 1 Hour King Alfred the Great is furious. The prized family crests have gone missing from his trophy room and he is convinced a local thief is to blame. A roundup of the areas most notorious thieves has been demanded. You and your team find yourselves arrested, locked up in the castles dungeons and informed that unless there is a confession or the crests are restored to their rightful places then you all will be executed within the hour.
736 Main Ave, Ste 100, Durango, CO, US
- players, minutes, Conundrum Escape Rooms
Rates Person $29.00 Private Room (up to 6 people) $165.00 Duration 1 Hour Ready to Escape? Your old professor Jones is desperate to accomplish the quest he never got to go on. He has pulled you aside to share his secrets and has told you about a prized Mayan artifact known for its mysterious powers. Word has gotten to him though that his life long rival may know where the lost temple is located. It is up to you, explorers, to complete the quest for Professor Jones before his nemesis discovers the the temple and takes the artifact for himself to use the powers for evil.

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