Escape Rooms in Dubai, Dubai
There are 11 escape rooms near Dubai, Dubai.
Brainscape Games
Burj Khalifa District - 203, Building 12 - Dubai
2-7 players, 60 minutes, Brainscape Games
Description: You will find yourself in an old abandoned tent with sparse remains of a dead explorer’s belongings and many surprises beyond your imagination. You and your group, while exploring the pyramids in Egypt, enter a deserted tent. As soon as you enter, you realize you are trapped! Having spent his life finding the name of the Pharaoh whose tomb he had discovered, the explorer won’t let his life’s work go waste. Before dying, he cursed whoever enters his abode will not leave till they work out the name of the Pharaoh, paying tribute to his lifelong sacrifice. The only way to escape from this curse is to find the name of the pharaoh as soon as you can or else be prepared to be perished there forever! Built with passion and time, this room will transport you to an era of ancient Egypt with many fun and unique features representing the life then.
Burj Khalifa District - 203, Building 12 - Dubai
2-7 players, 60 minutes, Brainscape Games
Description: The Da Vinci Room – Quite contrary to Classic Lounge Room – this escape room setting here is a beautiful old study with vintage typewriters to vintage artworks and much more than your eyes can see! Taking on the role of the thief, you are entrusted by the priests of the Holy Church to secretly sneak out the ‘Holy Grail’ from Professor John Albright. The Holy Grail, for which no stone has been left unturned by numerous seekers has seen many lives taken. The faith commended in you by the Holy Church must not be broken… cause if you fail to escape, it’s not only the faith which will be lost but also your life! Primarily focusing on code-breaking, symbolism and association problems “The Da Vinci Room” will offer an interesting escape challenge for new and returning escape room players alike.
Burj Khalifa District - 203, Building 12 - Dubai
2-7 players, 60 minutes, Brainscape Games
Description: This escape room has an Airport Lounge setting. Your task is simple! Prevent a plane hijack before it is too late! You have been called in as an anti-terrorist squad for your expertise in the field. Classified Intelligence report has it that a flight about to be taken off has been planned to be hijacked. Your task is to prevent the hijack by identifying the flight, the weapons planned for the attack and the gate number of the ill-fated flight. The attackers have cleverly left a series of unsuspecting clues in the Airport Lounge for their comrades. Will you be able to unfold the wicked plan before the comrades reach? You will be challenged with not only inventive puzzles employing your logic in this escape room but also your problem-solving skills! Will you and your team be able to think and act fast to take up this escape challenge?
Escape Reality
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
There have been reports that there is a serial killer on the loose. Many people in the area have gone missing and no traces of their whereabouts have been discovered. Only one survivor has lived to tell the tale of what happened in the killers lair. Rumour has it that he forces his prisoners to perform ghastly tests to see how far they can push themselves in order to escape. You have suddenly awoken to discover that you have been locked inside a room of complete darkness with no recollection of how you found yourselves in this situation. Your captor has devised a series of games to test how much strength you have in order to your own lives.
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
A team of high-tech scientists and programmers have assembled to perform ground breaking experiments in developing the first instance of true artificial intelligence known to man. You have just been accepted onto the team of scientists and have arrived at their headquarters. After a few days you realise that scientists are suddenly leaving and that these robots are showing scarily human-like emotions. You decide that you need to leave as quickly as possible as something peculiar is happening, but all of the doors have been locked trapping you and the rest of the team inside. Can you all escape before you reluctantly become a part of the experiment?
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
in 1934, Alcatraz transformed into a maximum high-security prison housing the most infamous and dangerous criminals. Situated in the chilly waters of San Francisco Bay, no prisoner has ever successfully escaped. Alcatraz has just reached its maximum capacity for the first time in history - because of you. NL NLYou are all masters of escaping and no prison has managed to contain you. As highly skilled individuals you have been plotting your escape plan and now the time has arrived. A diversion has been caused by other inmates and the warden has sprinted off to help, leaving you in your cells unguarded. This is your prime opportunity to make your escape attempt. Can you escape before he returns and catches you?
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
It is currently 1841, a time where the presence of Vampires has existed and been well documented for many centuries. You are in a small region of Romania, West Transylvania, investigating the untimely deaths of your close friends. Upon examining their bodies, all signs point to the presence of an infamous Vampire. You must use your skills to identify and find the most dangerous Vampire known to exist in the current world, Nosferatu. Will you become the prey or the predator?
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
A series of cannibalistic homicides has begun to occur in the city of Dreadwood. Police have failed int heir attempts to investigate and prevent these horrific crimes and had to turn to a team in their Special Forces department known as “Alpha Team”. They were commissioned to unearth the cause of this madness and restore public safety. However, the Alpha Team have disappeared with no traces of their whereabouts. A second team has been sent on a rescue mission to find them. You and your team are known as the “Goblins”. The last time Alpha Team gave report, they mentioned something about an old factory and a bio?weapon. You have to follow their tracks into this factory and uncover the truth!
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
You have discovered an old board game in your attic and once opened you are engulfed by a vortex and transported into an alternative realm. After only seeing a glimpse of the terrible world inside you are thrown back into reality. Vowing never to approach the game again you attempt to leave but the door has been locked trapping you in. Glancing over to the game you see the words “The dice have been rolled.” You have no choice but to complete the game or be trapped inside the other realm for eternity. You only have sixty minutes to complete the game!
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
Within the largest continent of the world, known as the Seven Kingdoms, there exists seven noble families. In the heart of this Kingdom lies the Iron Throne, the main source of conflict between everybody in the land. Whoever sits on the Iron Throne rules the entire continent, a position desired by many, a position in which people will go to extreme lengths to hold. News has quickly spread over the land suggesting that the new King is not the rightful heir to the throne. The discovery has caused an eruption throughout the Seven Kingdoms and a battle for the throne has broken out. You must find out who is the rightful heir to the throne. Who are you going to support? Which house are you going to fight for?
Indigo Sky, 1st Floor, Next to First Abu Dhabi Bank Metro Station, Sheikh Zayed Road (Exit 41), Dubai
2-6 players, 60 minutes, Escape Reality
You are a cryptologist assigned to work with a team of detectives to solve a gruesome murder in an art gallery. The corpse was discovered surrounded by mysterious symbols linking to the Fibonacci sequence. You have begun to unearth crucial information which has been kept a closely guarded secret for thousands of years. After discovering too much a ruthless group of dangerous individuals is following you, trying to catch you and keep you quiet. Preventing you from learning further truths, you have been trapped inside the room. You must use your expertise to solve the complex clues lying within or face the truth never being revealed.