Escape Rooms in Butte, MT
There are 6 escape rooms near Butte, MT.
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
It’s 2:55 in the afternoon, you, Wyatt Earp, and three other marshals are sitting inside the O.K. Corral Saloon discussing the latest series of crimes that are blamed on the local cowboy outlaws. This group of outlaws are known for their violent criminal history. You and the other lawmen have had several previous confrontations with this group. While, you, your brothers Virgil and Morgan, and your best friend Doc Holliday are devising a plan to round up the cowboy outlaws, the townspeople start screaming. Immediately, you all know something bad is about to happen. Looking out from the window of the saloon, you see 5 outlaws riding into town on their horses and heading toward the saloon, including the notorious Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury. When Billy and Frank draw their pistols, you know it is going to be a fight for your life. You draw and fire in defence of your own life, the lives of your brothers, and Doc Holliday. In a cloud of dust and gun smoke, chaos ensues. You shoot your gun until you run out of bullets! The whole shoot out takes only 30 seconds - the most terrifying 30 seconds of your life! After the dust settles, 3 bodies lay in front of you. Quickly, you notice two of your people are injured but the rest are unharmed. The marshals have won the fight! However, there is some bad news: the other 2 outlaws are no where to be found. The marshals must quickly identify who has been shot and who is on the run. You will have 60 minutes to complete this task or the 2 outlaws will surely escape to Mexico! Find the clues, solve the puzzles, pick the locks, find the names of the guilty suspects and get out of the saloon within the hour. Rely on your intuition, have confidence in your team and leave no stone unturned! Remember, as you always say: “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything. In a gunfight… you need to take your time in a hurry!” Do you have what it takes to complete your mission?
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
An old school friend, Lewis Salinger, has tracked you all down through Facebook and invites you on a holiday of a lifetime. You can see by his Facebook profile that he has amassed incredible wealth since leaving school and you’re excited at the prospect of the trip. The invite promises a week you will never forget including picking you up on his private jet and flying you to meet him at his mansion in the Caribbean. However when you get there, your trip turns into a nightmare. Unbeknown to you, the plane is not travelling to the Caribbean at all, but a private landing strip somewhere in South America. On arrival at the mansion, Lewis explains the purpose of your trip and it is not a holiday. It soon becomes apparent that his enormous wealth has not been amassed through legal means. Matters soon turn horribly wrong when your friend explains the REAL purpose of your trip. Promising enormous wealth, he wants you to return to the US with some suitcases he has packed for you. That’s all. No risk he says. In return he will give you (each) a million dollars in cash. No questions asked. His private jet is being prepared for the return journey to the US and will be leaving in one hour. Panic sets in when he gives you an evil look and says: “I’m sorry, but as you’ve come this far, I cannot give you a choice. I appreciate your understanding…”. At that, you are moved at gunpoint into a secure section of the house where you will be prepared and groomed for your return journey. With panic set in you realize you cannot be a part of this evil plan and must effect your escape within the hour. The high security section of the mansion is designed to keep people in, but if you don’t escape you know you run the risk of becoming part of a dangerous drug cartel and could face a life behind bars if caught. You soon realize there’s enough evidence to capture the drug lord once and for all - if you could deliver that evidence to the police back in the US, you could be heralded a hero forever. Act quickly to gather evidence and escape the mansion. You only have one hour before your fate is sealed forever! Will you choose to turn the drug lord in? Or will you become an important member in his operation? The choice is yours to make, and time is of the essence!
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
“Nitr0,” heard the name? If you haven’t, you’re about to learn. In fact, all of America might soon find it plastered across their TV screens. Nitr0 is the world’s greatest hacker, he’s successfully completed over 300 cyber crimes, yet the FBI doesn’t have any leads to his identity. Early this morning a video was received at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Nitr0 informed the Bureau of his plan to release a virus that will drain 100 million United States bank accounts of over $75 billion. You are FBI Agent Alex Vargas, a fresh face in the Cyber Crime Unit. Fueled by optimism and a need for success, you determine that taking down Nitr0 would be the best way to climb the ladder to the top. You’ve received an anonymous lead, apparently Nitr0 has been tracked to an apartment in Cambridge. It’s a long shot, but it’s the only thing you’ve got. You arrive outside and discover what looks to be an average American college apartment. A powerful clack comes from the door, it’s been sealed shut. The television turns on and Nitr0 himself appears on the screen. He tells you that he was the one who tipped you off about the location, he’s setting you up and in one hour the FBI will trace everything back to you in this apartment. The realization is setting in, the biggest virtual heist in history is about to be pinned on you. You know that Nitr0 always provides a kill code for every crime in case things go awry. You must find that code, kill the program and escape within the hour. So you don’t take the fall for the biggest crime in American history.
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
You are Gerard "Gerry" Droller, a CIA Field Operative, your code name is Don Frederico and you work directly for the President of the United States, J.F. Kennedy. While going over your mission notes, you realize the world is facing a nuclear Armageddon. The Soviet Union, under Premier Nikita Kruschev, has strategically assigned ballistic nuclear missiles to the Cuban territory with approval from the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. These missiles are located less than 100 miles from the U.S and are able to reach major cities with only a 4 minute flight time. The atmosphere is extremely tense! An American spy plane has just been shot down over Cuba and the President is now under massive pressure from the Pentagon to launch an invasion of Cuba. The President, however, isn’t sure whether the plane was shot down deliberately by the Cubans or the Soviets, or if this was a terrible accident by a lowly soldier. If this was indeed an accident, there is no need to go to war, and a peaceful solution may still be possible. If this was a deliberate action, then the President has no choice but to launch a U.S. invasion of Cuba, which could result in a nuclear war. Your mission is to infiltrate Fidel Castro’s palace, locate the secret KGB office, and find out who was responsible for shooting down the American plane. You are standing outside Castro’s palace waiting to hear that it is empty. You receive the all clear. Castro’s bodyguards and the KGB are not on the premises. However, having entered the Palace, you receive word that Castro and his bodyguards are traveling back towards the palace, and they are only 60 minutes away! You must complete your mission and escape before you are caught! Solve the clues, answer the riddles, find the critical intelligence and get out within the hour. Rely on your intuition, have confidence in your team and leave no stone unturned! Remember: Your mind is your most powerful weapon and time is of the essence! Do you have what it takes to complete your mission?
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
Dr. Walter Brandt is a high-ranking chemical weapons specialist for the United States government, part of a secret department that is only recognized by a series of mysterious numbers and letters. He has been developing powerful viruses capable of eradicating enemy forces with swift pace and deadly accuracy. Foreign powers have noted Dr. Brandt's work and have recruited him to develop a powerful virus capable of killing their enemies in hours. He has gone rogue and has become a threat to the US and potentially the entire human race. You are a team of scientists investigating Dr. Brandt's abandoned laboratory. You've been tasked with finding the only known antidote to virus TS-51 before it gets passed into enemy hands. However, during the investigation a clumsy member of your team bumps into a shelf, sending vials of the highly contagious virus crashing to the ground. One of them breaks and sends plumes of deadly vapour into the air. Immediately, everyone is infected but that isn't your biggest problem. The chemical detection sensor has picked up the threat and shutdown the facility. Total decontamination will begin in 60 minutes (eliminating all biological organisms inside)! Your only chance of survival is to scour Dr. Brandt’s laboratory to find the antidote. He has hidden it from the government through a series of riddles, puzzles and codes that only the smartest can figure out. If you do not find the security override code and antidote within 1 hour the facility will self-destruct, and there will be no escape. Rely on your team, intellect, and keen sense of observation to solve the riddles and unlock the secrets to find the antidote and to escape the facility. Time is of the essence. Do you have what it takes to defeat Dr. Brandt and save yourselves and the World from destructive chemical warfare?
3100 Harrison Ave Ste C11, Butte, MT 59701
2-8 players, 60 minutes, Escapology
Onboard the famous trans-European Budapest Express, you are with Karine Peaufiner, a famous French detective from Paris. You are traveling to Budapest to meet with other detectives showcasing the latest developments in crime scene forensics. It is nighttime and you are passing slowly through the heart of Europe during a heavy snowstorm. You are reviewing case notes in your cabin with Karine and your colleagues. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, it is the train manager. He looks worried and asks you to come quickly to the First Class dining coach. When you arrive, you see a man slumped over a restaurant table. He was Sir Clarence Hayden and he has been murdered! The manager informs you that in one hour the train will stop at the next station, if the killer hasn’t been apprehended, they will be free to escape into the night and get away with this horrible crime! Your reputation as brilliant detectives precedes you, he asks you to solve the crime so the murderer can be caught and brought to justice. You’re able to narrow down 5 suspects who were seen in the dining car around the time Sir Clarence was murdered. Moving through the cabins and gathering evidence, the killer knows you are hot on their trail and has decided you are their next target. With you out of the picture they would be free to escape when the train stops. Solve the riddles and puzzles, gather the evidence and solve the murder before it’s too late! Do you have what it takes to find the killer before they find you? Time is of the essence!

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