Escape Rooms in Shepparton, VIC
There are 2 escape rooms near Shepparton, VIC.
Escape 45
253B Wyndham Street, Shepparton
2-5 players, 45 minutes, Escape 45
Description: 500 Years ago a powerful and evil witch named Morgana walked the earth destroying everything in her path, that is until Merlin created a spell to bind her powers into 5 separate orbs. Merlin hid the orbs throughout time so that Morgana wouldn't be able to regain her powers. The people of earth have been safe.................... Until now.
253B Wyndham Street, Shepparton
2-5 players, 45 minutes, Escape 45
Description: You and your friends are spending the weekend at Corpsewood Manor. You have just found out that your favourite crime writer Rachel Randall who was staying here to write her new book has been murdered. You find yourself and your friends sneaking into the crime scene to take a look. Can you find out who murdered Rachel and get out of the room before the detective returns?